Thursday, September 27, 2007

Latest Doctor Visit

We had a nice visit today at the OB.

First off, Shawn had an ultrasound to measure the fluid. All was just fine. Also, they measure Mary Katherine's heart rate. It was good.

Next, we were taken to a room to measure movement, heat rate and contractions. Mary Katherine slept through the first half of these measurements, so it took a little longer. All was fine with this evaluation.

Finally, we saw a Midwife. She encouraged Shawn to 'take it easy', to put her feet up for at least one hour, three times daily. She encouraged her to take a break after getting home rather than just going right in to fixing dinner. She encouraged her to work less and relax more.

We are progressing nicely and are right on track. Next Friday, we go for an ultrasound that will measure Mary Katherine's size. That should be interesting! :)


Jen said...

Sounds like everything is going good!

Daddy said...


Everything is going great. We'll have a baby soon..God is great and in charge! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad the doc agrees with me about cutting back some at work. Shawn is such a diligent and hard worker it's hard for her go home early or come in late. Guess we have to make her, huh! (I'm so excited to hold little Mary Katherine in my arms!)Nancy