Friday, July 20, 2007

Award Winning Blog

As you can see on the right side of this post, we were honored with a "BEST BLOG OF THE DAY AWARD"....on July 17th, Bill and his gang over at Famous Blogs gave us that high praise and we appreciate it. We never realized when we started this thing that anyone other than friends and family would read it, much less award us for it. We are humbled by the attention.

Mary Katherine, Mom, Big Sister, and Dad are all doing well. We've settled back in to our normal day to day routine since our return from vacation. Mom's fire ant bites are looking a whole lot better...hard to believe that was 7 days ago!

We registered Mary Katherine's big sister for school last night. Can you believe it is that time once again? She's really looking forward to attending her new school. It is alot larger than her previous school, but she is thrilled about meeting new people and making some new friends. I believe she'll have a great influence on those at her new school.

We (my brother in-law) and I are putting up a new ceiling fan in the baby's room. May take a picture or two and post it! :)


Jen said...

Wow! I feel so honored to be reading a blog that got an award!! Awesome!

Daddy said...

Thanks Jen....we appreciate it!